Feminism is a very often a highly misunderstood/ misused term or concept. In this very well written book Adichie takes the core idea behind feminism ( equality of sexes)as the basis and throws light on what we can do as parents to inculcate these values in our children so that they accept it as a…
Month: August 2019
Book 1- One Part Woman by Perumal Murugan translated by Aniruddhan VasudevanBook 2- Ghachar Ghochar by Vivek Shanbag translated by Srinath PerurMurugan’s book is set in Pre-Independence India and talks about the journey, difficulties and social stigma faced by a childless couple in a small tribal village in interior Tamil Nadu while Shanbag’s book is…
Book review: Moong over Microchips by Venkat Iyer
I have a soft spot for books that take me to the heartland of my country and it\’s people. I love books that pose questions and make one think. I like it even more if books are rooted in reality and the writers thoughts seem to resonate deeply one\’s own thoughts and beliefs. Moong over…
Book review: \”Barking up the wrong tree\” by Eric Barker
If you thought self help books are boring, preachy tedious reads then this is the book to bust that myth. Written with great sense of humour, Eric Barker plays devil\’s advocate to turn every so called \”success formula\” on it\’s head, with help of scientific evidence. He also weaves numerous real life stories into his…
Book review: \”Barking up the wrong tree\” by Eric Barker
If you thought self help books are boring, preachy tedious reads then this is the book to bust that myth. Written with great sense of humour, Eric Barker plays devil\’s advocate to turn every so called \”success formula\” on it\’s head, with help of scientific evidence. He also weaves numerous real life stories into his…
Book review: \”Barking up the wrong tree\” by Eric Barker
If you thought self help books are boring, preachy tedious reads then this is the book to bust that myth. Written with great sense of humour, Eric Barker plays devil\’s advocate to turn every so called \”success formula\” on it\’s head, with help of scientific evidence. He also weaves numerous real life stories into his…
Book review: Wonder by R J Palacio
Wonder by R.J.Palacio :Book review First things first, thank you all raccoons for this \”wonder\”ful recommendation.I read this book every night with my 9 yr old and both of us absolutely loved it, irrespective of the fact that I had a perspective of an adult and he that of a child. This book weaves a…
Judge me not…
I love the colour blue because it reminds me of the sky; Mama says don\’t play with boys I wonder why?! Dolls or dolling up doesn\’t interest me, I love playing in the rain wild and free.. Cropped hair does not a rebel make, I can\’t change my skin colour for your sake.. Flaunting my…
Not this time, she thought. The C\’s and D\’s had not changed. Nor had the lonesome A+ but something in her had. For she made a conscious choice to focus on the latter, no matter what the world chose to highlight. Putting the marks card down, she hugged her son. Next day he woke up…
I made all right choices for my children, but…
Mukund was extremely distressed. He slumped on the easy chair in the verandah as Aravind continued to pack his clothes and his belongings. \” So you have made up your mind. But as a father it is my duty to warn you that you have made a wrong choice. If you listen to me I…