There were many great minds among disciples seated.\”My students, I shall ask you all one question; it may look simple but choose your answer wisely- what is the greatest virtue of being human?\”
\”Courage\” the soldier answered immediately.
\”Courage can help us win battles with every kind of enemy, whether external or internal. It is like coal that keeps our engines burning and helps us move forward in life; but there is a better answer\” the teacher smiled.
\”Wisdom\” the professor answered next.
\”No one can walk through darkness without light; wisdom is indeed that beam of light that can dispel the darkness of ignorance. But can someone give more apt answer?\” the teacher questioned again.
\”Patience\” a farmer answered.
\”If you sow a mango seed, it takes years for it to sprout, grow into a plant and then into a tree before one starts reaping the fruits of one\’s hardwork. And who knows this better than parents who plant seeds of virtues into young minds? But which virtue do you think they should plant first?\” he persisted.
\”Compassion\” it was a healer this time.
\”Compassion is like a river whose waters nourish and give life. But how many are capable of holding flowing rivers in their hearts? Compassion is the finest of virtues but not every human being can possess a mighty heart. What virtue are we all capable of carrying without much effort?\”
\”Love\” it was a mother who had answered.
\”Love is an elixir. Indeed all of us here are like vessels. Some of us filled to the brim while some have to keep filling ourselves but none will question the magical powers of this elixir. It can fill us with joy, comfort us, nourish us, heal us and lead us towards bliss. But, like all things magical it can also create a web of illusion on disappearance of which we experience great misery and pain. Can someone think of a virtue that has the enormous power of love, but does not have it\’s trappings?\”
Everyone present there looked up eagerly at the teacher for an answer.
An old man in old worn out clothes and white hair, leaned on his walking stick and got up shakily.
\”Empathy\” he uttered slowly. \”I respect all the wonderful human beings who gave some brilliant answers. I may not possess enough of courage, wisdom, patience or compassion; I may not even be capable of loving or being loved. But in this fabric of life, we are all connected to each other through invisible threads of empathy through which we can sense each other\’s joy or pain. If we cut these threads, we may exist but will lose the very touch of life that makes us all humans. Empathy is that vital thread that keeps the entire humanity alive\”.
The teacher bowed down and touched the old man\’s feet saying \”Salutations, to my greatest teacher in life\” as the gathering broke into thunderous applause.